Web Logbook

Web Logbook is just that - a logbook that runs over a web interface.

Some time ago while working in a network security group, we had a simple web logbook where all important actions were registred. I always though I could do more to make that logbook more functional and faster. As a result this little project started.

Main features include:

Web logbook is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Some examples:

Web-logbook Web-logbook

This is here most of the action happens - add, edit and remove logbook entries. From here you can also manage attachments or access all available menu options. Other possibilities include: change logbook and change language.
Archive / Browse archives Archive / Browse archives

Archiving can be used if the database gets too large or you just feel it is time to 'rotate' the logbook. Archived books can't be modified but you can still search, print or produce reports.
Subject list Subject list

Logbook Export Logbook Export

Trends and Statistics Trends and Statistics

You can download the latest Web Logbook release here.

You can also browse previous releases here.

The installation process is made to be quick and painless. Perl is required but no other Perl modules should be necessary.

  1. Extract the application onto your Web server's document root:

    $ gzip -d logbook-x.yz.tar.gz
    $ tar xvf logbook-x.yz.tar

    By default the application extracts to './logbook' directory. You can still change this in the 'logbook.cfg' configuration file.

  2. Modify the configuration:

    $ vi ./logbook/share/etc/logbook.cfg

  3. Edit your web-server's configuration. On Apache would be something like:

    ScriptAlias /logbook/cgi-bin/ "/webserver/real/path/htdocs/logbook/cgi-bin/"
    <Directory "/webserver/real/path/htdocs/logbook/cgi-bin">
      AllowOverride None
      Options None
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all
    # prevents access to the 'share' directory
    <Directory "/webserver/real/path/htdocs/logbook/share">
      Deny from all

  4. Grant write access for your web server's user on the following directories:

    $ chown nobody ./logbook/share/attach
    $ chown nobody ./logbook/share/db

  5. Reload/restart your webserver's configuration.
  6. Using your browser go to: http://your.domain.here/logbook/cgi-bin/index.cgi

Before you start the upgrade, follow the steps below to backup your logbooks. Remember that by default the application extracts to the './logbook' directory.

  1. Preserve your existing version:

    $ mv logbook logbook_old

  2. Extract the new version onto your Web server's document root:

    $ gzip -d logbook-x.yz.tar.gz
    $ tar xvf logbook-x.yz.tar

    By default the application extracts to './logbook' directory. If you have changed this in the 'logbook.cfg' configuration file, rename the directory now.

  3. Restore all data from the old version:

    $ cp -f logbook_old/share/etc/logbook.cfg logbook/share/etc
    $ cp logbook_old/share/db/* logbook/share/db
    $ cp -R logbook_old/share/attach/* logbook/share/attach

  4. Grant write access for your web server's user on the following directories:

    $ chown -R nobody ./logbook/share/attach
    $ chown -R nobody ./logbook/share/db

  5. Using your browser go to: http://your.domain.here/logbook/cgi-bin/index.cgi
  6. If everything is working well, you can remove the backup done above:

    $ rm -rf logbook_old

  7. PLEASE NOTE If you are upgrading to version 0.05 you should consider adding the following lines to the configuration file (in the 'Types' section):

    Types {

      wlb {
        Description "Web Logbook"
        Type        "application/octet-stream"
        Extension   wlb

      csv {
        Description "Comma-Separated Values"
        Type        "text/csv"
        Extension   csv

    These two new formats are now supported through Import/Export operations.

  Version 0.06 released.
  + Updates server time every second.
  + 'Mail' configuration section can email notifications on logbook updates.
  + Added popup menu for less common options (and gain space on top menu bar).
  + Added group view (by day, week, month, year, user and subject) on menu bar.
  - Fixed bug in language flags not being displayed when AppRoot was changed.
  - Fixed bug in subject.cgi where styles didn't apply when AppRoot was changed.
  - Fixed bug in trends.cgi where styles didn't apply when AppRoot was changed.
  * Introduced AJAX (when loading group nodes).
  - Fixed bug with timestamp when us calendar format was used.
  + User defined configuration directives can now use the dash character.
  - Logbook's name and active/default lists are not case sensitive anymore.
  + Logbook's banner(s) can now be a comma separated list of banners.
  - Fixed bug when copying a subject with special HTML chars to the logbook.
  * Small code adjustments (optimizations and removed obsolete Perl syntax).

Full ChangeLog file.

All contributions are welcome! Please, report any problems and questions to weblogbook(at)morgado(dot)ch.

If you find any bug, have any suggestions or write a patch, you can either use Sourceforge's project Tracker or, please write an email to weblogbook(at)morgado(dot)ch.

(Non-spammers: please remove the underscores from the email address)

Support this project

Web Logbook, ©2012 Jorge Morgado
<web-logbook (at) morgado (dot) ch>