* Information + New feature - Bug fixed 2012-01-12 Version 0.06 released. + Updates server time every second. + 'Mail' configuration section can email notifications on logbook updates. + Added popup menu for less common options (and gain space on top menu bar). + Added group view (by day, week, month, year, user and subject) on menu bar. - Fixed bug in language flags not being displayed when AppRoot was changed. - Fixed bug in subject.cgi where styles didn't apply when AppRoot was changed. - Fixed bug in trends.cgi where styles didn't apply when AppRoot was changed. * Introduced AJAX (when loading group nodes). - Fixed bug with timestamp when us calendar format was used. + User defined configuration directives can now use the dash character. - Logbook's name and active/default lists are not case sensitive anymore. + Logbook's banner(s) can now be a comma separated list of banners. - Fixed bug when copying a subject with special HTML chars to the logbook. * Small code adjustments (optimizations and removed obsolete Perl syntax). 2008-01-23 Version 0.05 released. + Added the IBM ISS Threat Index banner in logbook.cfg. - Fixed bug while doing a case sensitive search. - Fixed bug that prevented the And/Or criteria to work on the Print page. + Count characters left for the description field. Limit on maximum length. + Limit on maximum length for the subject field (with JS in addition to HTML). + Subject popup now sorted ascending when opened (instead of logbook order). + Alphabet anchor menu in subject popup. + Check required file name on attachment upload (with JS). - Search sintax is now regexp 'free' - special chars are escaped accordingly. * Search with regular exp. is still possible by adding the 'regexp' prefix. - Fixed bug that prevented 'us' date format from being correctly displayed. + New Export/Import options. + Added 'wlb' and 'csv' formats to logbook.cfg types list. - Browse Archive showed redundant Search and Trends menus when book was empty. - Fixed broken sort when switching between index.cgi and attview.cgi pages. * Many other code optimizations. 2007-10-09 Version 0.04 released. + Selected page is now kept between logbook operations. - Selected sort (field and direction) is now kept between logbook operations. - Selected user is now kept between logbook operations. + favicon.ico added. + In the search form, the blank user (no user) is now translated. - Fixed small bug in the print view when loading the IE6 CSS fix. * Minimum required Perl changed to v5.003 (due to function prototypes). + Archives are now sorted chronologically. * Re-adjusted the menu order to be consistent among different pages. + Quick search by subject on the top menu (on the main page). + Search can now be exclusive (and) or inclusive (or). 2007-09-26 Version 0.03 released. + ChangeLog (this file) created. - Bug fixed in attview.cgi that prevented attachments from being displayed. + Added the Atlas Threat Index banner in logbook.cfg. * In the logbook.cfg only set as active the currently supported languages. 2007-09-05 Version 0.02 released. * Project registered.